If you have been searching for private money loans to acquire and rehab your real estate investment projects, then look no further. We have equity based loans available that are based on the value of the property and not on the credit of the investor. We loan on residential properties of one to four units, so single family homes, condos, townhomes, duplexes, up to fourplexes qualify for loan consideration. The process is as simple as clicking on the link below and completing the pre-application form that will allow us to see how the deal will be structured. We will then follow up with you to obtain any additional information and documents needed to complete the process of getting a loan ready and funded in order for you to finish your deal. Since we are a national lender, we can loan on properties in a large percentage of the United States. Once you have a deal under contract we will need at a minimum a copy of a purchase and sales agreement along with a scope of work that spells out the estimated rehab costs of the project. The terms are flexible so we will work with you to set up a repayment schedule that will meet with your rehab and resale timeline. The more information that you have available at the time of follow up contact will make the process much quicker and easier. That information such as photos of the property in its current condition along with recent comps can help to boost the chances that your loan can be processed in the most efficient manner. We look forward to working with you to accomplish your goals of investing in real estate, improving neighborhoods and making a difference in the lives and memories of families that move into your completed properties.